RTAC on Vocational Rehabilitation Program Management

Improvement of Louisiana Rehabilitation Services

Shelly Hebert and Bob Burns
Date/Time [EST]: 
08/18/2015 - 2:00pm

Shelly Hebert from Louisiana and Bob Burns from ICI will present a webinar on supported employment improvements and the revised Community Rehabilitation Provider (CRP) monitoring system. They will clarify supported employment services and introduce time-limited job coaching services and high-quality indicators. They will also review changes to their CRP monitoring system and the potential outcomes. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDILRR-funded RTAC project of VR Program Management present the lessons they've learned through their management initiative. The RTAC is a collaborative initiative to identify, test, and disseminate management practices to build a performance management model tailored to the vocational rehabilitation system.

Improving Quality in the New York State Education Department’s Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services VR Program

Lisa Van Ryn and Michelle Barlow
Date/Time [EST]: 
08/12/2015 - 1:00pm

Lisa Van Ryn and Michelle Barlow will discuss how their agency addressed the need to improve the quality of adult career and continuing education VR services in New York when traditional agency staff training did not produce the desired results. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDILRR-funded RTAC project of VR Program Management present the lessons they've learned through their management initiative. The RTAC is a collaborative initiative to identify, test, and disseminate management practices to build a performance management model tailored to the vocational rehabilitation system.

Strategies for Recruitment & Retention in the Washington Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

Esther Bennett
Date/Time [EST]: 
08/11/2015 - 1:00pm

Esther Bennett from the Washington Division of Vocational Rehabilitation will outline the different approaches the agency is taking to cultivate a work culture that promotes recruitment and retention of a diverse and qualified staff. She will discuss how Washington VR recruits staff and creates a work culture that promotes skill development, accountability, and advancement opportunities. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDILRR-funded RTAC project of VR Program Management present the lessons they've learned through their management initiative. The RTAC is a collaborative initiative to identify, test, and disseminate management practices to build a performance management model tailored to the vocational rehabilitation system.

Promise and Pathways: Delaware Division for the Visually Impaired’s Implementation of Medicaid 1915i

Jocelyn Langher and Dan Madrid
Date/Time [EST]: 
07/29/2015 - 2:00pm

Jocelyn Langher and Dan Madrid will describe Delaware DVI’s lead role in partnership with Delaware Health and Social Services and other state agencies to design and implement Medicaid 1915i, which promised funding for VR services. They will offer a VR framework for improving employment outcomes for people with disabilities by using a system of care (Medicaid) that is larger and better funded to support the mission of VR. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDILRR-funded RTAC project of VR Program Management present the lessons they've learned through their management initiative. The RTAC is a collaborative initiative to identify, test, and disseminate management practices to build a performance management model tailored to the vocational rehabilitation system.

Research and Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) Management Model: Request for Participation Information Session

Susan Foley, Bob Burns, and John Halliday
Date/Time [EST]: 
11/16/2011 - 2:00pm

The Research and Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) on VR Program Management released a request for participation in a research project in late November 2011 for a 12-month learning collaborative laboratory.  This webinar served as an information session for those interested in learning more.

Download presentation (.pdf) (.rtf)

Coming Together with Community Rehabilitation Providers

Betsy Hopkins, and Karen Fraser
Date/Time [EST]: 
08/01/2013 - 1:00pm

Betsy Hopkins and the BRS QA Director and Karen Fraser from Maine give an update on Vendor Performance initiative and the lessons learned. They investigated and implemented changes in Community Rehabilitation Provider (CRP) services to improve employment outcomes of BRS clients and ensure that there is a maximum return on the resources invested for that purpose. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDRR-funded RTAC project on VR Program Management present the lessons they¹ve learned through their management initiative. The RTAC is a collaborative initiative to identify, test, and disseminate management practices to build a performance management model tailored to the vocational rehabilitation system.

Reinventing Quality Assurance - The NJ-CBVI Experience

Michael Kosec and John Walsh
Date/Time [EST]: 
10/03/2013 - 1:00pm

Michael Kosec, Quality Assurance Coordinator, and John Walsh, Coordinator - Vocational Rehabilitation Services from the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired give an update on the development and implementation of their comprehensive quality assurance system and the lessons learned. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDRR-funded RTAC project on VR Program Management present the lessons they¹ve learned through their management initiative. The RTAC is a collaborative initiative to identify, test, and disseminate management practices to build a performance management model tailored to the vocational rehabilitation system.

Indiana VR - Supervision within a Virtual Environment

Jeffrey Hughes
Date/Time [EST]: 
10/09/2013 - 1:00pm

Jeffrey Hughes, Region Manager - Vocational Rehabilitation Services gives an update on Indiana's experience with supervision in a virtual environment. In 2008, Indiana VR implemented a Virtual Office environment through distribution of appropriate technology, relocation of offices, and development of paperless capabilities within our case management system. As part of this management initiative, they developed supervisor competencies for successfully operating within this virtual environment. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDRR-funded RTAC project on VR Program Management present the lessons they¹ve learned through their management initiative. The RTAC is a collaborative initiative to identify, test, and disseminate management practices to build a performance management model tailored to the vocational rehabilitation system.

Download Presentation (.ppt) (.rtf)

Explore the Virtual Office tookit (.pdf)

Read Virtual Office: Helpful Hints for New Supervisors (.doc)

The Use of Business Intelligence Dashboards in Vocational Rehabilitation

Michael Quinn and Milton Moats
Date/Time [EST]: 
10/15/2013 - 1:00pm

Michael Quinn, Program Evaluation Coordinator, and Milton Moats, Rehabilitation Specialist from the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services give an update on their experience with business intelligence dashboards. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDRR-funded RTAC project on VR Program Management present the lessons they¹ve learned through their management initiative. The RTAC is a collaborative initiative to identify, test, and disseminate management practices to build a performance management model tailored to the vocational rehabilitation system.

Download Presentation (ppt)  Business Intelligence Dashboard Video  Q&A 

Quality Initiative - Sustaining Our Learning Organization

Lou Adams, Sigrid Adams, Cathy Cronick, and Jean Williams
Date/Time [EST]: 
10/17/2013 - 1:00pm

Lou Adams, Acting Director; Sigrid Adams, Staff Development Unit Training Manager; Cathy Cronick, District Manager; and Jean Williams, Consultant - Staff Development Unit from the Michigan Rehabilitation Services give an update on the techniques that they are using to sustain their learning organization. MRS is developing a quality assurance (QA) system that integrates performance and financial data for making daily decisions and planning for the future. This webinar is part of a series where members of the NIDRR-funded RTAC project on VR Program Management present the lessons they¹ve learned through their management initiative. The RTAC is a collaborative initiative to identify, test, and disseminate management practices to build a performance management model tailored to the vocational rehabilitation system.

Download Presentation: (.ppt)  (.rft)