VR-CRP Partnerships in Business Engagement and WIOA Implementation

Targeted Technical Assistance Forum from the Job Driven VR Technical Assistance Center (JD-VRTAC) and the Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC)

Where? Embassy Suites Hotel, Albuquerque, NM

When? December 6, 2016, 8:30 - 4:30, and December 7, 2016, 8:30 – 3:00

Many if not most state VR agencies rely on Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRPs) to provide services to people with more significant disabilities and/or multiple employment barriers.  The purchase of CRP services is often one of the biggest expenses to a VR agency, and there are many issues with the availability and quality of CRP services and the role of the VR counselor once the referral has been made, in addition to the visibility of the VR agency to the business community.

VR agencies and their community partners will need to strategically focus their business engagement efforts in order to meet the requirements of WIOA including training and services for employers, Section 511, and Pre-ETS Work Based Learning Experiences. Increased VR engagement with the business community will require the development of new CRP/VR relationships. Successful implementation of Customized Employment and Supported Employment to achieve competitive integrated employment outcomes for individuals with the most significant disabilities will also necessitate solid strategic partnerships between VR and CRPs.

In this interactive forum, representatives from a number of State VR Agencies (SVRAs) will present their agency’s experience with CRP partnerships leading to improved business relations and customized employment outcomes.  The agenda also includes facilitated discussions of issues and strategies involved in managing the CRP role in business engagement and WIOA implementation. 

Register today! Registration is limited to SVRAs and seating is limited. Interested agencies should limit registration to one representative, preferably the individual who coordinates your partnerships with CRPs.  There is no charge for participating in this event.  Certified Rehabilitation Counselors will be eligible for CRCCs for attending this event.  Please note any accessibility accommodations in your registration, and register by November 24, 2016.


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